Thursday, December 13, 2012


For my 8th birthday my parents got me a Gamecube and a couple of games to go with it. One of them was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Ten years later I still love that game and the six other Zelda games I have acquired.

Now I've been thinking about this recently since my dad just got himself Black Ops 2 and I put Assassin's Creed 3 on my Christmas list. Why do we play video games? Yes its a form of entertainment, but why not just watch TV or even do something a little more productive like picking up a book or going on a walk with a friend?

Maybe its the escape from reality we feel. For as long as we play that game, THAT is our reality. We are alive in the game. We control our character and live vicariously through it. We move it and make it make choices. The more I think about this, the ore I find The Sims franchise really creepy. You're essentially playing god to this character or BEING this character in whatever game you're playing.

For me when I was in middle school I so badly wanted to go to sleep one night in Wenatchee and wake up the next in Hyrule. Its a fantasy I had like so many other people. I wanted to save the world like Link. Heck, I would have settled working at Lon Lon Ranch as Malon.

Whatever the game and whatever the reason, its interesting how obsessive this current generation is becoming with being someone or something else.

Side note: It pisses me off that the franchise is called "Legend of Zelda". It should be called "Legend of Link". Link is the hero, Zelda is the stupid princess that needs help all the time. Its like calling the "Mario" series "Peach".

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